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Weekly Buzz: Why did the first stock of metaverse plunge?

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Happy Monday, mooers! Welcome back to Weekly Buzz, where we review the news, performance, and community sentiment of the selected buzzing stocks on moomoo platform based on search and message volumes of last week! (Nano caps are excluded.)
Weekly Buzz: Why did the first stock of metaverse plunge?
Part Ⅰ: Make Your Choices
Part Ⅱ: Buzzing Stocks List & Mooers Comments

Every major index moved upward, Russell 2000 Index grew 1.74% last week. Here is the weekly buzzing stock list of last week:
Weekly Buzz: Why did the first stock of metaverse plunge?
1. TSLA - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tesla conducted a safety recall of more than 817,000 vehicles because of a problem with seat belt tips in the relevant batch of vehicles. Moreover, Tesla's tax break request in India gets a stern rejection from the official. Even so, TSLA's stock increased 9.09% to $923.320 for the week.

● Mooers comment

@102540679 : $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ noob traders will be losing money in this environment. As for hodlers, doesn't matter. Something seems to be oppressing Tesla share price. We just need more buyers to be serious hodlers for us to go to the mooon!

Recap: TSLA Q4 2021 Earnings Conference Call

2. AMC- Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
AMC announced preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter of 2021, with revenue up 621% YoY and net loss narrowing significantly. Shares of AMC raised by 1.93% and closed at $15.350.

● Mooers comment

@Questionable Invts : $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ For those who took profits & reentered got treat AMC like CD account that already paid you interest before actual squeeze happens.
Still waiting for upward squeeze or downward squeeze. Either way can't complaint about investing in AMC.
Weekly Buzz: Why did the first stock of metaverse plunge?

3. FB - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐⭐
Meta's fourth-quarter results fell short of expectations in terms of revenue, active users and other data. It plunged more than 26% last Thursday and evaporated $237 billion in market value in a single day. Last Friday, its stock price closed at 237.090, with a weekly drop of 21.42%.

● Mooers comment

@WinningTrader : $Meta Platforms(FB.US)$ US stocks focus on growth. FB is still profitable as a company but it is not a dividend paying stock.
Price had reached this level today and there is slowing growth. Growth for 1Q wil be single digit.

Recap: Meta 2021 Q4 Earnings Conference Call

4. AMZN - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Amazon's fourth-quarter revenue grew 9% to $137.4 billion, slightly below analysts' expectations. Besides, analysts predicted Prime membership fees and other Amazon services might rise. Its stock closed at $3152.790, with a weekly growth of 9.49%.

● Mooers comment

@Bellman : $Amazon(AMZN.US)$ Long before now, the idea of trading cryptocurrency wasn't real enough to me most especially when I gave it a shot and incurred some losses. Thankfully, I can say I am an 'A' class earner and trader ever since I started using the techniques and strategies of Patrice Ivan who I met on 🆃🅴🅻🅴🅶🆁🅼 : IVANPATRICE. I have turned my $78k Portfolio over to $901k+ in crypto gains.

5. NIO - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
Nio announced that it delivered 9,652 electric cars in January last Tuesday, up 33.6% YoY. The shares of NIO raised 14.64% last week and finally closed at $23.960.

● Mooers comment

@simple fong : $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ 很多人会把长线的公司当短期来炒,然后又把短线的公司当成是长期的操作。nio 是一间长远的成长公司,只是投资者或者投机者进场的价格与时候决定了利润的多少。如果能够站在投资者的角度去了解,而不是投机者,相信它定必带来可观的盈利。。。共勉之

6. PYPL - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
PayPal's stock dropped last Wednesday after the company provided weak guidance that it blamed in part on inflation. PayPal also missed user growth targets. Its stock price closed at $126.080, with a weekly decline of 22.90%.

● Mooers comment

@丁蟹NA : $PayPal(PYPL.US)$ Visa and Master users are paying 3% per transaction, and the technology they use are decades old. The fact that they still exist is insane. The big crops are blocking newer payment method being used like Venmo or cashapp. This is extremely stupid. At current price, PE is 38, which is okay, however it will take some time to consolidate, might go lower.

7. AAPL - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
Reports indicate that Apple may launch new products as soon as March 8, it is preparing to release a new low-cost 5G iPhone and iPad at the event, and may also release a new Mac. Its stock price closed at $172.390, with a weekly rise of 1.34%.

● Mooers comment

@Roooooot : $Apple(AAPL.US)$ The results show apple's ability to integrate hard and soft. Apple's hardware business has beaten market expectations amid component shortages and other problems. The iPhone is the largest source of revenue.

Recap: AAPL Q1 2022 Earnings Conference Call

8. AMD - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
AMD reported quarterly revenue of $4.8 billion, up 49% YoY, annual revenue of $16.4 billion, up 68% YoY, and operating income more than doubled compared to last year. Its stock went up 17.45% to $123.600 over the past week.

● Mooers comment

@Markio1315 : $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ Don't be surprise if this goes beyond 140 in the next few days. The wave movement is moving upwards. If you review the MACD, the buying in has only just begin. For those who wants to join in, get in at the lower end of the wave. Cheers everyone and huat ah.
Weekly Buzz: Why did the first stock of metaverse plunge?

9. GOOGL - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
Google Q4 earnings exceed expectations across the board, net income at a new high. Its share price soars 7% after announcing 20-to-1 stock split. The stock price of GOOGL grew 7.46% to $2865.860 for the week.

● Mooers comment

@Mike Hunt : Hedgecunts were caught off guard by Amazon $Alphabet-C(GOOG.US)$ $Alphabet-A(GOOGL.US)$ Hedgecunts thought they were being sneaky by keeping their option transactions under 1000 contracts so they wouldn’t show up as unusual transactions. But realize if an option costs 10k, 500 of those cost 5 mil bucks.

10. NFLX - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐
The co-CEO of Nifty, Reed Hastings, recently went on a buying spree, indirectly purchased 51,440 shares of the company's stock. Its stock price closed at $410.170, with a weekly increase of 6.72%.

● Mooers comments

@卓管家 : 价值投资,越跌越买
$Netflix(NFLX.US)$ 以上两个词语相信进入股市的人一定都听过。但是又有多少人去认真思考这两句话该怎么用于我们的投资过程中呢?
要搞清楚该怎么去应用这两句话,这就又回到了我最近一直强调的,要先搞清楚我们在股市中的角色。Investor or trader?

Thanks for your reading!

Awarding Moment

Before moving on to part three, congrats to the following mooers whose comments were selected as the top comments last week!
@HopeAlways @Syuee @mcstiner @Dadacai @steady Pom pipi @Mars Mooo @Milk The Cow @cy cheok @12moon @HuatLady

Notice: Reward will be sent to you this week. Please feel free to contact us if there is any problem.

Part Ⅲ: Weekly Topic

Time to be rewarded for your great insights and knowledge!

This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below and share your idea on:
"Can ordinary investors make money from the concept of Metaverse?"

We will select 10 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
Winners will get 200 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at Reward Club.
*Comments within this week will be counted.

Top Comment Technique:
● Fundamental / Technical / Capital Analyses
● Personal Trading Experience
● Any bright insights or knowledge

Previous of Weekly Buzz

Weekly Buzz: Don't you worry about the interest rise. It happens
Weekly Buzz: I Have a Dream: the tech stocks sell-off will be over!
Weekly Buzz: Why are tech stocks tumbled? It's not just Fed.

Disclaimer: Comments above are made available for informational purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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  • steady Pom pipi :

  • Milk The Cow : Wa, it's a difficult topic for me.
    Firstly, I wanna support metaverse... but in reality, it cannot be make happened over night.

    I think metaverse is the future generation. But, it may not happens for anytime soon as it take time for the society to adapt to new changes.

    It's basically the same as ibanking, mobile 📱 phone which may become a needs in the future.
    If ibanking/digital payments has yet to become the norm, how u expect metaverse (even more hi-tech) to even happen anytime soon?

    So, $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ is quite a hard decision for a buy even at discount rate for me[undefined]

  • HopeAlways :

  • Milk The Cow : It's a dream that may become the truth in the future[undefined].

  • steady Pom pipi : Although the metaverse concept is only beginning to develop, many large companies have also begun to enter the metaverse, such as$Apple (AAPL.US)$$Microsoft (MSFT.US)$, I think the metaverse concept will succeed in the future, I have entered early$Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF (METV.US)$

  • Dadacai : One can invest in NFTs or companies in the Metaverse industry and its supporting industries ($Meta Platforms (FB.US)$$Unity Software (U.US)$$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$$TENCENT (00700.HK)$$Roblox (RBLX.US)$)or buy virtual real estate like Paris Hilton. This is not financial advice. Pls do your due diligence.

  • Milk The Cow :

  • HopeAlways : The metaverse has garnered increasing investor interest. The tech and investment communities have been buzzing about the metaverse. While cynics would argue that the metaverse is nothing more than the latest in virtual and augmented reality that have limited impacts so far, supporters believe the increased melding of physical and digital worlds will be game changing for different ways in our everyday life. There is one thing that is certain. A number of large tech companies will commit big sums of money to this new computing platform. With interest rates rising this year and investors increasingly looking for profitable companies at lower valuations, tech stocks  with low P/E ratios may have great upside potential if the metaverse catches on.

  • Syuee : Metaverse offers ordinary investors many opportunities to monetize their ideas within the virtual world.
Ordinary investors can earn money in the Metaverse in many ways:
    - Creating NFTs or Invest in NFTs
    - Hosting events
    - Owning virtual lands with great potential
    - Launching digital assets

    Many metaverse platforms allow users to create customized digital assets for the 3D Avatars and launch them on the platform for users to buy. Tech giants like $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ and $Microsoft (MSFT.US)$ are planning to advance with the virtual ecosystem and justifying the potential of the Metaverse space.

    Ordinary investors can also invest in companies that are building and having native tokens or invest in stocks of metaverse-focused companies.

    For those who prefer the traditional investing route, stocks of metaverse-focused companies, are great options. Technology, gaming, e-commerce, and social media giants like $Microsoft (MSFT.US)$, $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$, $Amazon (AMZN.US)$, $Disney (DIS.US)$ and $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ can be considered.

    Another way to make money is to play-to-earn with gaming. Games like axie infinity, decentraland can be played to earn the tokens that can be traded on exchanges for money.

    Alternatively, ordinary investors can simply invest in Metaverse exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Thus, investors could gain exposure to the growing metaverse industry.

  • Casperwolf : The Metaverse began as a dream before Mark Zuckerberg became so successful with Facebook. I think Facebook outpaced even Zuckerbergs wildest dreams, becoming trendy, then becoming more of a social staple. Then, we find ourselves at this point where Facebook is like a cell phone. virtually everyone in the civilized world has one, a phone, and a profile. every technological step we have taken began as a dream, then became trendy, then just became. like portable communication devices, I.E. cellphones. Look at StarTrek in the late 60s and early 70s, a futuristic dream. manifested into reality by humankind. Technology only improves, so however much the Metaverse may be only a dream or a vision now. I expect it will become more and more a reality. Are we talking Ready Player One? that I think is quite far off. If that is the vision though, it can become a reality.

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