Silverbat : The worst is still ahead. Cautious! Raise cash and cut loss
Andre88888888 : how did you navigate to this page? didn't know they had this. thought only webull had it
xiaoyuan93 : Where can I watch this calendar?
Jamie McKissick OP xiaoyuan93 : click trade at the bottom, assets at top, then scroll down
Jamie McKissick OP Silverbat : Eating an elephant, one small bite at a time.
Andre88888888 Jamie McKissick OP : Hey buddy, I still can't seem to find it. Are you using FUTUSG app or?
xiaoyuan93 Andre88888888 : Neither can I find it.
Andre88888888 xiaoyuan93 : I asked support. They said they didn't have this feature yet.
Jamie McKissick OP : is what I'm using, and the calendar was found under the assest analysis, not the P/L analysis.
BabaLil : Nice
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Silverbat : The worst is still ahead. Cautious! Raise cash and cut loss
Andre88888888 : how did you navigate to this page? didn't know they had this. thought only webull had it
xiaoyuan93 : Where can I watch this calendar?
Jamie McKissick OP xiaoyuan93 : click trade at the bottom, assets at top, then scroll down
Jamie McKissick OP Silverbat : Eating an elephant, one small bite at a time.
Andre88888888 Jamie McKissick OP : Hey buddy, I still can't seem to find it. Are you using FUTUSG app or?
xiaoyuan93 Andre88888888 : Neither can I find it.
Andre88888888 xiaoyuan93 : I asked support. They said they didn't have this feature yet.
Jamie McKissick OP : is what I'm using, and the calendar was found under the assest analysis, not the P/L analysis.
BabaLil : Nice
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