At least six mergers with special-purpose acquisition companies have been canceled this year, on pace for a record number of nixed deals in a single quarter. At least 22 have been spiked since the middle of 2021, according to data compiled by Chicago-based SPAC Research, which tracks the industry. That compares with 26 tie-ups that were called off in the more than five years prior, the data show.
Stonkslanger : That doesn’t seem fishy at all!
搞经济 抄底 加仓 : Brought 1b and it didn't even move a inch. before and after. LOL
Rebelraven : yeah that sounds like insider trading to me
wiggieloko : I will invest
71707650 : insider trading only applies to the poors I guess
71043363 : And then some people are coming here, or on Reddit and… telling us about what types of BS, Warren Buffet or others like him are saying about investment. Are you stupid or what? All of these hedges and big Whales trade with the help of insider trading and information…
71043363 71707650 : Very true. All the rules only apply to the ordinary people. At least 60 to 70% of this market is about dark pool, insider trading and… this market is rigged.
Florim : Insider trading doesn’t apply to the insiders like best buds Buffett and Gates. Good job!
70638593 : All for me and none for thee... -Wallstreet (probably)
therealunknwn wiggieloko : l