BruceLin8 : Maybe there's no war.
RonaIdo BruceLin8 : That’s only if they agree on Russia terms
BruceLin8 RonaIdo : Usually, the market will forecast ahead of time, and Russia has already said that it is willing to do so. Gao Ke also revealed that he meant to be aggrieved.
Jasper788 : Bloomberg release Russia plan to pullback some forces
BruceLin8 Jasper788 : Yes
KongWeePeh : It's all a lie. Are spreading rumors to obscure the downward trend.
BruceLin8 : Maybe there's no war.
RonaIdo BruceLin8 : That’s only if they agree on Russia terms
BruceLin8 RonaIdo : Usually, the market will forecast ahead of time, and Russia has already said that it is willing to do so. Gao Ke also revealed that he meant to be aggrieved.
Jasper788 : Bloomberg release
Russia plan to pullback some forces
BruceLin8 Jasper788 : Yes
KongWeePeh : It's all a lie. Are spreading rumors to obscure the downward trend.