Sears is another example. I’d be willing to bet the investors in those hedge funds have no real idea how hedges make returns by destroying companies that those very investors probably worked for at one time. . .
Don't think they really care. They don't need to work to have their pockets lined and they are not the one's getting their hands dirty
Cardinal-BagHolder : AA knows shorters are destroying companies with illegal naked shorting including AMC.
Dirtman Cardinal-BagHolder : Toys R Us was a good example. Americans killing American companies till bankruptcy to make a buck
Cardinal-BagHolder Dirtman : Sears is another example. I’d be willing to bet the investors in those hedge funds have no real idea how hedges make returns by destroying companies that those very investors probably worked for at one time. . .
Dirtman Cardinal-BagHolder : Don't think they really care. They don't need to work to have their pockets lined and they are not the one's getting their hands dirty