commented on a stock · Feb 19, 2022 00:02
$NRX Pharmaceuticals (NRXP.US)$ I'm just mad as hell that Av...
$NRX Pharmaceuticals (NRXP.US)$I'm just mad as hell that Aviptadil is still waiting on the pathetic FDA to approve this amazing theripeutic. Sad enough that sleepy joe forces people to get poked with a heart damaging mRNA vaccine with little scrutiny and affect! I bought this stock nearly a year ago when my brother was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer with a small prayer that his oncologists could get him some so he could breath while contemplating his final days. I'm sure the FDA's excuse would now be that their is massive data that has to be reviewed carefully and their understaffed in the middle of a pandemic, bla, bla, bla. All while 3000 Americans die per week from covid. And to top it all off, my bro just came home from hospital for the last time as he is now in home hospice so now all I can do is TELL him about a med that could of helped him. The FDA better approve this life saving drug that will be used for many different illnesses soon or I WILL HUNT YOU ALL DOWN AND WORK DAY AND NIGHT UNTILL EVERYONE OF YOU ARE FIRED FOR YOUR INEPT WORK PERFORMANCE
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Wishing you and your family peace through such stressful times. It so hard to foresee the future and not be able to receive the fruits of such technology. Are there and clinical trails to participate in? God Speed.
70790832 : Wishing you and your family peace through such stressful times. It so hard to foresee the future and not be able to receive the fruits of such technology. Are there and clinical trails to participate in? God Speed.