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How do you develop a trading philosophy?
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Don’t let the criminal fuckery affect judgment. Screw the hype, I’m not leaving this one. Especially after that Fuckerberg loser tried to steal some shine.

$Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$
This is round2 for me on this stock. Averaging down on 6 accounts (shill research) now. Round one was one of my best plays of last year…curiously enough it exploded right after everyone chickened out.
To realize that profit I had to buy down from ~9 to sub 3. And after their algos told them they had inflicted max damage and to start preparing to flip sides for max gains… all of us left still standing (loyal/stubborn/crazy?) got paid. Very Nicely Paid.
Authentic Content…and a very true story. Verified it myself. Moomoo certainly won’t protect us from the fuckery, so we have to protect eachother now. Which means you both can Go back to your slums, Gregory and Questionable investments.
Don’t let the criminal fuckery affect judgment.  Screw the hype, I’m not leaving this one. Especially after that Fuckerberg loser tried to steal some shine.
Don’t let the criminal fuckery affect judgment.  Screw the hype, I’m not leaving this one. Especially after that Fuckerberg loser tried to steal some shine.
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  • chichiro : thanks for sharing, info graphics are very helpful

  • Mrsjmunoz : Good explanation for thieves and crooks!

  • DEADSEED1111 : You know..... we're just waiting..... on a positive outcome.... I will see you in the "Promised Land".... Hopefully it looks nothing like wall street... or jail... they both suck, however jail is unbelievably more populated with people who "Steal to live VS. Live to steal".... Welcome to the machine.... Who's bringing the grease? Who's the machine? Who's gonna play hide the grease?...... ??? Who's gonna make MONEY from selling the grease  to satisfy supply and demand?.... easy........ the grease guy..... anybody else notice dead dinosaurs cost more...... been here a year and I don't have any fear..... making those slow patient dollars .

im the truth they always lookin' to snuff out. the shills outnumber Us here. War inevitable, visualize Our Victory daily