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Russia-Ukraine Crisis: A Double-Edged Sword
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Russia-Ukraine Tension, What U Should Do As An Investor?

Firstly, u may like read 📚 up my this post which I'd written earlier:
Milk The Cow :Market Is Crashing Any Moment From Now, Guys! Edited: It's crashing now!

There're many ways u can do as an investors during this period.
My above link has suggested all the possible ways in which I think are among the best out of so many during this course of uneventful event happening now.

The best method is no doubt DCA.
(Hey buy slowly 🐌 bit by bit at the dip)
Have said many times.
Though, I'm kinda "stupid" not to apply this method as I'm timing the market for the lowest dip = do not follows.
(No one can predict the lowest, except maybe those BB)
It just that the method is not suitable for my current situation, not that it's not useful.

How u deal with emotional in the volatility market?
I think the best way is not to keep looking at ur losing portfolio if u are someone who can't handle volatility. This is the best way to stay SANE.

Stay away / Take a break from the stock market Egs:
1. Play some dam games 🎮
2. Go exercise if u have so much energy to feel angry/aggitated from the losses 📉 (do not take ur anger out on ppls u know)
3. Read 📚 some mangas, who knows it may come useful in ur life
4. Or maybe u can ask someone or
5. Maybe u can use "Putin" picture as a shooting 🔫 board practice, US 🇺🇸 ppls... damn SG does not allow guns... I can only use rubber bands(He is the source of all the problem for diligent investors. Nah, I'm just kidding, no point blaming on something already happened.)

* Basically find entertainments to keep urself away from the stock market. Just chill.

For those who has stronger mentality investors:
Continue DCA at the dip. Now is the chance to buy cheap.
Stocks like:
$Alphabet-A (GOOGL.US)$
$Apple (AAPL.US)$
$Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO.US)$
$Nikko AM STI ETF (G3B.SG)$
are a good buys in the bear 🐻  market for long term investing.
(Some suggested "energy" stock is a good buy)
If yar are daring, u can go into more risky stocks like:
$SIA (C6L.SG)$ (History shown it make a come back. Anything between $2+ to $3+ will be a super discount buy)
Does not has to be SIA, any air travel is fine. But, I preferred SIA because it is the best among those air travel stock, I think.
$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ is risky, but it comes with great rewards if the predictions are correct.
(Anything below $750 is very cheap, in my opinion)

(Usually, risky investment come great rewards)

These are just some of my suggestions, u still need DYODD. DO NOT LISTEN & FOLLOW ADVISES BLINDLY.

US 🇺🇸 stock holds quite well on the 1st day as compared to sgx 🇸🇬 stock (slaughtered man...) is because Russia 🇷🇺 investors relocate to the US stock market due to uncertainty in the Russia stock market.
I still think it's a bear 🐻 market.

My other solutions are at the link (Lazy to rewrite 😴)

Stay safe & mentally healthy
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DYODD before investing 👌