Tesla set up an automatic 750 to buy two shares, and as a result, it won $700
I never expected that in just one month, from over 900 to over 800 last month, I was all in 800 850. I thought I had bought enough deep enough; now I don't have any spare money to invest in 750 or less. As a result, on 1/28 of last month, I set one under 750 and bought two shares. Yesterday, as soon as I opened 700, I was able to buy two 700 shares directly. I actually forgot about this, and of course it reminded me that if I have enough money, I'll set up a pit. Don't worry; I'll buy and leave. 700/750/800 is a really, very good investment. It has already burst a lot of bubbles. It was 670 yuan for a long time last year, which is very safe. It's really a pity to miss such a rare opportunity. It's really a pity to miss out on such a rare opportunity. It also reminds us once again that we need to think clearly before placing an order: Ask yourself a few questions: 1 Do I need this money in the short term? 2 Is all this money something I can afford? 3 Do I currently have any other stable channels to earn money? 4 Will putting this money in stocks lose the opportunity to invest in anything else or use it for my family? Do you want your family to enjoy the opportunity to be blessed and honor your parents? Then choose your own investment model 1 Do you plan to be long-term or short-term? 2 Do you use a retirement account or a cash account? 3 What is the expected annualization? 4 Are the selected companies confident? 5 Has this aspect changed? 6 Do you have any spare money this year? After asking yourself these questions, decide how to change your vote. Let me talk about my investment principles 1 long line 2 Retire first, then consider a cash account when the retirement account is full 3-annualized 5-10%; what is more clear is 6% 4 The selected company or market is confident 5. Fundamentals have not changed 6 There is currently no spare money this year, but the goal is to invest 50,000 US dollars The investment strategy is to buy, buy and hold when there is a decline. This is a process of saving. It is also a process of accumulating assets. Imagine 5, 10 years from now,$Tesla (TSLA.US)$It's definitely not just 800/900 yuan, right.
As far as the situation is right now, if$Tesla (TSLA.US)$If I go down to 650, I'm willing to borrow money to buy everything. If you ask, why didn't I buy the 670 last year, because last year, I haven't finished improving my financial awareness! Now I'm more rational in my mentality and know what I want If I wanted short-term capital gains, then I wouldn't dare to do it if I didn't have the skills. Women stock up on cosmetics; I stock up on stocks and take them when I see good. Even though I lost 10,000 yen in my book yesterday, I have no intention of selling them at all. These battles are all aimed at retail investors who see that in the asset market, capitalists must have news to manipulate the market, and fund institutions can make a lot of money.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
Heart n Eyes : Hold tight! Ride over this turmoil ...it will rebound l!!
坚实的弗郎西丝 OP Heart n Eyes : A good opportunity to build a position at a bargain