MindOverMatter : I like the DD as of lately.
70588275 : So at at $72 per share, that’s be 912,541,666 shares sold short.
chris from queens 70588275 : explain that please? I'm with you just wanna connect the dots..65 billion dollars isn't just AMC I think it may be everything they shorted all the KING stocks no more meme stocks...refer to them as KING STOCKS!
ur wifes boyfriend : wen Moon?
MindOverMatter : I like the DD as of lately.
70588275 : So at at $72 per share, that’s be 912,541,666 shares sold short.
chris from queens 70588275 : explain that please? I'm with you just wanna connect the dots..65 billion dollars isn't just AMC I think it may be everything they shorted all the KING stocks no more meme stocks...refer to them as KING STOCKS!
ur wifes boyfriend : wen Moon?