We the woman of MooMoo, 1) Have good instinct (wink wink 😉) 2) Do research before jumping in 3) Do not KPKB or CFCM (especially when you are already a mother) when things happen, we are cool and calm in stressful situation Best of all, woman can also use their partner's fund for investment (on top of their own)
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Mike Hunt
If you’re claiming that women are calmer and cooler in stressful situations my wife’s past behavior would definitely dispute that. When we first got our 38 foot sailboat to go sailing around the Pacific, because she has better boat handling ability for things like pulling up to a slip and making tacks into heavy weather etc., I figured it would be appropriate to make her the captain. But it quickly became clear that when emergencies arose, and they always tend to be events you never even knew were possible before they happened, it became very clear that she could be prone to hysteria. (And by the way the term hysterical is related to the term hysterectomy etc. and it does specifically refer to women in its entemological origin). Because it was clear that I could be much calmer and keep my thinking straight under stress, we made the decision together to have me take over Capt. duties.
Mike Hunt
Buy n Die Together❤
You’ll like the story @Up Lorry Together. It’s two in the morning and we’re sailing from Molokai to Oahu and I’m at the helm and I hear what sounds like shotgun blasts. I looked behind and in the darkness I can see the white underside of a 15 foot humpback whale pectoral fin smacking in the water. Whales are most closely related to sheep on land and their breeding behavior is very similar where you will have a number of males chasing after one female and the males fight each other. In a breeding ground there will be a lot of sexually frustrated males pumped up on the same hormone we are testosterone and they can be aggressive. So after spotting this angry male, it disappears for about 30 seconds and then it pops up and now it’s only about 130 yards behind the boat. Our 38 foot sloop was a light balsa cored fiberglass job and it would be splinters if the pec fin smacked us. I called my wife up to come and see what’s going on. 30 seconds later it surfaces and now it’s only 50 yards behind the boat and it starts smacking its fin again. This isn’t the tail fin I’m talking about it’s the pectoral fin and humpback whales have the longest one of any whale species 15 feet long. My wife’s response upon seeing it was “JUST DONT LOOK AT IT”. I ignored her ostrich head in the sand idea and afterward we laughed about it but I was too focused on telling her telling her to run below and grab the 12 gauge flare gun with flares and the airhorn. It was the quickest thing I could think of to create a deterrent. He surfaced again 25 yards behind the boat and I didn’t fire or use the horn because I planned on saving my ammunition for if he got closer. Thankfully that was the last time we saw him but after that we laughed about what she said and we reconfirmed why it was such a great idea that the captaincy was transferred from her to me
Milk The Cow : Men are just so pitiful
Buy n Die Together❤ Milk The Cow :
Mike Hunt : If you’re claiming that women are calmer and cooler in stressful situations my wife’s past behavior would definitely dispute that. When we first got our 38 foot sailboat to go sailing around the Pacific, because she has better boat handling ability for things like pulling up to a slip and making tacks into heavy weather etc., I figured it would be appropriate to make her the captain. But it quickly became clear that when emergencies arose, and they always tend to be events you never even knew were possible before they happened, it became very clear that she could be prone to hysteria. (And by the way the term hysterical is related to the term hysterectomy etc. and it does specifically refer to women in its entemological origin). Because it was clear that I could be much calmer and keep my thinking straight under stress, we made the decision together to have me take over Capt. duties.
Buy n Die Together❤ Mike Hunt :
Mike Hunt Buy n Die Together❤ : You’ll like the story @Up Lorry Together. It’s two in the morning and we’re sailing from Molokai to Oahu and I’m at the helm and I hear what sounds like shotgun blasts. I looked behind and in the darkness I can see the white underside of a 15 foot humpback whale pectoral fin smacking in the water. Whales are most closely related to sheep on land and their breeding behavior is very similar where you will have a number of males chasing after one female and the males fight each other. In a breeding ground there will be a lot of sexually frustrated males pumped up on the same hormone we are testosterone and they can be aggressive. So after spotting this angry male, it disappears for about 30 seconds and then it pops up and now it’s only about 130 yards behind the boat. Our 38 foot sloop was a light balsa cored fiberglass job and it would be splinters if the pec fin smacked us. I called my wife up to come and see what’s going on. 30 seconds later it surfaces and now it’s only 50 yards behind the boat and it starts smacking its fin again. This isn’t the tail fin I’m talking about it’s the pectoral fin and humpback whales have the longest one of any whale species 15 feet long. My wife’s response upon seeing it was “JUST DONT LOOK AT IT”. I ignored her ostrich head in the sand idea and afterward we laughed about it but I was too focused on telling her telling her to run below and grab the 12 gauge flare gun with flares and the airhorn. It was the quickest thing I could think of to create a deterrent. He surfaced again 25 yards behind the boat and I didn’t fire or use the horn because I planned on saving my ammunition for if he got closer. Thankfully that was the last time we saw him but after that we laughed about what she said and we reconfirmed why it was such a great idea that the captaincy was transferred from her to me