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IWD 2022 Event: Women & Investing
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Think Like a QUEEN !

As far back as I could remember, the women in my life have shaped my personality in the most indirect ways.

My great grandmother always walked barefooted. She believed one could receive the earth's energy from having the grass touch your skin. My maternal grandmother owned a family business, raised 8 kids and still found the time to sew and cook for her kids and grandkids. My mother gave up her dream of being an architect just to look after the family. When I was born, she devoted her life to me and my sister.

Their way of lives always inspired me to dream of becoming a wild spirit, resilient to reality and above all, invincible to defeat.

How women manage all of it and still remain sane. Having our cake and eating it too, one big spoon at a time. This is what it means to be a woman.

Women don't complain about the back pains and leg spasms which we get at our menstrual cycle during a crunch deadline. A female VP doesn't do any less of a job because her male counterpart gets 1 and a half times her salary. A mother doesn't complain that she's been running errands all day, cooking all evening, and taking care of the whole family’s needs. This is what it means to be a woman.
Think Like a QUEEN !

Every women should decide on their financial goals as well as review them periodically. Financial goals map the direction to give a bright future. Money is worthless without goals.

Women should educate themselves about money management and investing. MooMoo is a fully digitized brokerage and wealth management platform, which I would highly recommend. There are also a large number of financial books in the market. Whether you need help getting out of debt or developing a strong relationship with money, there is a financial resource for you.

Spend 1-2 hours daily to learn about wealth creation, debt elimination, investment, and real estate. Read books or articles and attend seminars/webinars. Learn from those who handle their money well.
Think Like a QUEEN !
Here are some humble tips for Two Different Types of Women:

Working and Independent Women:
Work and don’t quit your job once you marry or bear a child.
Grow and keep growing both in career and skill set.
Earn, Save and Invest.
Protect yourself and your family with life insurance and medical insurance.
If you like gold, buy it as an investment. Physical gold or gold ETFs.
Don’t buy Prada or diamonds as they are not investments.
( As a watch enthusiast, I would suggest women to invest in luxury timepieces instead. Timepieces can also hold sentimental value. Please remember - Scarcity always creates value. )
Learn about investments - Stocks, options, ETFs, futures and Real Estate.
( MooMoo is the most intuitive and powerful one-stop investment platform )
Please plan for retirement. It will happen sooner than you thought.
Find a partner who is good with money and knows how to manage money together.

Homemaker and/or No Income Women:

You can follow all the above points. Apart from those, here’s what you need to do EXTRA.
Know your spouse’s income and assets.
Know if your spouse has life insurance and medical insurance.
Help your spouse by learning about investments and making investing decisions together.
Teach your kids the value of money and show them how to manage money.
Plan for retirement and take action.
Save and Learn Investing.
( MooMoo has democratise investing for investors of all levels by making it simpler and more digestible. Moo Community users can turn to one another for ideas and insights on investment-related topics with other like-minded individuals. In addition, @moomoo Courses endeavor to offer the most educational resources for all. It is such a powerful learning tool so we can all Invest Better and Trade Smarter ).

Financial independence is something everyone should have, man or woman. You might have a well earning spouse, or rich parents, but nothing in life is guaranteed. It makes perfect sense to save for a rainy day.

On International Women's Day:

We celebrate our ability to create and sustain life, whilst building a fearless one for own legacy.

Men Vs Women. Our hormones levels are very different. Men make far, far more testosterone than women do. Women make far more estrogen than men do. Not only that, our brains are wired differently.

Men and women aren't supposed to be equally good at everything because we are designed to complement each other!

And, a TRUE QUEEN is one who knows how to make her man feel like a REAL KING too!

Happy International Women's Day to all the incredible women! Shine bright. Not just today but everyday!
Think Like a QUEEN !
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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