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[Learn to Pick Stocks in 5 Days] Learning Insights

In this day and age with the advent of technology and the internet, investments in different types of markets such as stocks, bonds, commodities, mutual funds, etfs etc. have become easily accessible. There are many benefits of investments such as being able to attain financial security, financial independence et cetera. The earlier we invest, the earlier we might be able to hit those financial goals. 
If we continue to wait or keep the money we have in hand, we might lose the chance to build wealth that comes from investment opportunities. However, it is important to note that investments also come with risk. We should try to diversify our investments from time to time, try not to put all our eggs in one basket. Put the money in different types of investments to minimise risk. In the event that one investment is not doing well or is incurring losses, one could easily offset this loss with another investment earning a higher or positive return. Investment is about growing money to achieve our goals, but we must also invest cautiously.
There is no one size fits all way of investing money. The best way of investing is whichever way works best for that individual. We might want to consider our style, budget and risk tolerance for investments. Investing can be a scary place for beginners but sticking to index funds or exchange-traded funds that mirror the market is a good way to start for new investors.
All new investors should know that investment education is essential to become a profitable investor. New investors should have the grit and determination to take the time to learn and understand the basic principles and the different asset classes available. Those that are able to do so will stand to gain significantly from the market. It takes time to be proficient and even more time to be an expert in it. Everyday can be a learning opportunity as the investment landscape is always changing.
Would like to give a big thank you to @Course TA Cici @Course TA Eric @moomoo Courses for holding this learning opportunity. These few days have been quite a fruitful experience. Hope to be able to join more advance courses in future!
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