not to be a wet blanket, but I don't see why there is any hope of it breaking out even beyond 60 within the next few months, much less 180. if it don't collapse even below 30 within march it's alr a blessing. haha
Everyone has just been yanking their money because of fear. We all still go for it, but many do not. Many more investors will re-enter when things are stabilized.
SANDRO 善子 OP : 181.44 - 33.08 = 148.36 per share.
Great fortune ahead if you break52 wks high. I believe you can
102794847 sun : Never expect. I just hope Futu can reach to 50 plus recently
102794847 sun : Hope the war can stop next week
101694382 : not to be a wet blanket, but I don't see why there is any hope of it breaking out even beyond 60 within the next few months, much less 180. if it don't collapse even below 30 within march it's alr a blessing. haha
Birdistheword 101694382 : Maybe a little bit longer of a market slide, eh? It will not stay low, that’s for sure. We just don’t know when that is.
Birdistheword : Everyone has just been yanking their money because of fear. We all still go for it, but many do not. Many more investors will re-enter when things are stabilized.
MonkeyGee : nothing to do with war or earnings