Now is consolidation period, after the earning (good or bad), the stock will rebounce to 49 ( after hitting BB lower 3 times) Do'nt believe the fear spread by shorties, believe in yourself
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Win more Win
I'm sure a lot of people want it to bounce back. That includes me. But I still want to say one thing. The past is just a reference, and you can't accurately know the price after the financial report.
Do'nt be so negetive or you do'nt know how to read the Charts I presented !? If FUTU announce the Earning so early, result must be good.
Win more Win :

I'm sure a lot of people want it to bounce back. That includes me. But I still want to say one thing. The past is just a reference, and you can't accurately know the price after the financial report.
102553691 Win more Win : After the financial report, it became 15 yuan.
SANDRO 善子 OP 102553691 : Do'nt be so negetive or you do'nt know how to read the Charts I presented !?
If FUTU announce the Earning so
early, result must be good.
Bull Run SANDRO 善子 OP : He is shrotist to spread negative issue to create sell down
MonkeyGee : FUTU should be over $100 based on valuation. it's so unfortunate that its own mother wants to kill all her children.
102329055 : I wish...