BuyHighSellLowww : Thor’s hammer coming down on all the holders :(
I DUN KNOW : There's a pant fork left
FIRESTARGOLD : I bought it at 2.8 and it dropped too much
102253445 : I want to die
New bird : My cost is 6++ still holding and will pass to my grandchildren
Wonderful Day Mooooo : still hold. avg at $3.8.
102253445 : When will it stop falling?
BuyHighSellLowww New bird : Not sure this business will last so long
BuyHighSellLowww : Thor’s hammer coming down on all the holders :(
I DUN KNOW : There's a pant fork left
FIRESTARGOLD : I bought it at 2.8 and it dropped too much
102253445 : I want to die
New bird : My cost is 6++ still holding and will pass to my grandchildren
Wonderful Day Mooooo : still hold. avg at $3.8.
102253445 : When will it stop falling?
BuyHighSellLowww New bird : Not sure this business will last so long