When it comes to women and investing, I’m sure Cathie Wood comes to mind to many people. However, beyond mere tokenism to herald a female investment icon that’s on par with names like Buffet, Dalio and Ackerman, investing is being increasingly relevant and arguably, unavoidable for many women.
With the structures of nuclear families and designated “breadwinners” becoming more fluid between households, the modern woman has increasingly tackled the risks and returns of investing. Notably in Singapore, the prevalence of career-oriented women in high paying roles are coming to directly face issues with inflation and wage stagnation. More women are attending webinars, seeking out quality assets, employing GARP (Growth at a reasonable price) approaches in order to combat the inflationary pressures of the 2020s. The investing world is no longer male dominated, this was determined long before Cathie Wood popped on your screens.