Jorge P
$100 within the week is equal to a 5,852% rise. that means if you want the price to be at $100 by Friday, the stock would have to rise 1,463% every day (including today) too see $100 on Friday.
Not to mention how much it has already risen this week due to Russia/Ukraine conflicts on the oil/energy sector.
No catalyst is big enough to amount to a parabolic move like that.
Jorge P : $100 within the week is equal to a 5,852% rise. that means if you want the price to be at $100 by Friday, the stock would have to rise 1,463% every day (including today) too see $100 on Friday.
Not to mention how much it has already risen this week due to Russia/Ukraine conflicts on the oil/energy sector.
No catalyst is big enough to amount to a parabolic move like that.
You realize how stupid this all sounds now?
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