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A Warm Welcome to Mates who Hail from Down Under!

A Warm Welcome to Mates who Hail from Down Under!
I’m from the tropical state of Singapore and have been using moomoo for slightly more than a year. It’s really nice to have you Aussie members join the moomoo community and add to its diversity. Seeing the scenic photo posted by an Aussie member makes me recall the wonderful holidays I had there. I think it’s ingenious for moomoo to launch in Australia on the same day as it did in Singapore. That way, we can celebrate moomoo’s birthday on the same day every year. Happy 1st Birthday https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/107924218707974?lang_code=2

The interface of moomoo app can take some getting used to so here are some tips for you based my personal experience (there may be some region-specific differences in your interface since we’re not in the same region):
*If you cannot find Watchlist, Markets, Accounts, Discover and Me at the bottom of the page, just click < at the top until you see them.
The Me page is one you will use very often. From this page, you can access Settings to:
- set your preferences (turn on/off notifications, set red/green or green/red for positive/negative price changes, light or dark mode)
- change your login password and set up your trading password
You can also access Task Center (to get points by completing daily tasks), Redeem Points/Rewards Club (to redeem merchandise with the moomoo points), find your referral link and see other ongoing promotions/events.
Me > Help Center allows you to search for answers in the Support section. (Tip: A handy shortcut is to use the magnifying glass at the top of the app to search for the key words of your query)

Discover > Learn is a very important section especially for newbies to the stock market. It contains useful educational videos and tutorials. Look for a User/Starter Guide to learn how to navigate moomoo and perform basic functions (how to open an account, make deposits and place an order, etc).

Discover > News
Keep up to date with the latest happenings in the stock market.

This is where you set up your watchlist. Click on the magnifying glass to search for the name or symbol of a ticker to view the Detailed Quotes. There is a small heart icon that you can click to add it to your watchlist. To remove a stock from the watchlist, click on the heart icon so that it becomes dark.
This brings you to a number of investment tools to help you screen for stocks e.g. Stock Screener, Stock Compare, Heat Map, AI Monitor, Institutional Tracking, etc. You can also check the Earnings Calendar.
This is where you can see your stock holdings and cash. Accounts > More brings you to functions like deposit, withdraw, funds details, statements, currency exchange, etc.
Deposit and Withdrawal FAQ for those in Australia https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/108021206024198?lang_code=2
Have a question or some thoughts on a particular stock? Go to Discover > Moo > Feed and click on the pen to start writing a post to share with the moomoo community. Type the dollar sign to search for and tag the stock your post is related to. Alternatively, go to the Detailed Quotes page of the stock and click on the Comments tab to write a post and the tag is automatically added for you.

Need help with translating English posts to Chinese or vice versa? The moomoo app has a pretty handy auto-translation function

Messages, Chatroom and Online Inquiry
At the top right hand side, there is an envelope icon which brings you to notifications pertaining to your account. Discover > Chat brings you to your private inbox (you may receive private messages from moomoo staff), Online Inquiry (text with customer service in real-time) and the General Chatroom for chit chat among moomoo members. Pls only post non-confidential and safe-for-work stuff in the General Chatroom as it is not private. No spamming of referral links for other providers / apps. Pls refer to the Moo Community Standards https://www.moomoo.com/sg/support/topic260/h5?skintype=1

For the various ways of reaching Customer Service, read this post https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/106193669259270?lang_code=2

Last but not least, I wrote a number of FAQs in the past, some of which may be useful to you. This post links to some of them https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/107693580353541?lang_code=2
Have fun exploring the goodies in moomoo!
A Warm Welcome to Mates who Hail from Down Under!

Disclaimer: The above sharing is for educational purposes. It is not financial advice or a recommendation to invest. Please consult a financial advisor and consider your investment objectives, financial needs, financial position and risk profile before making any investment decision.

@phady05 @aoimizu @snoopy123 @AllyO @虎猪密友 @小虎发大财 @虎狮驾到 @yolo all my savings @93339888 @Jonny Worker @Johannpee @ohitsbenji @Casperwolf @GratefulPanda @PandaMoo @Milk The Cow @GM 1 @NANA123 @FBI888 @LuckyPiggie @SGPork @belenmg @hanabi3 @earthwaterangel @knites @KimGiEun @超爱美少女 @Januarylord @Shereida @SandersJasmine @102660959 @羽晨阳 @101733537W @Diamond-sh @25534670阿文 @FYJH4 @Sanmu85
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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