I bought a lot of $69,80 shares and lost a lot. Now all six gods have no hands. Should I stop loss or buy again, the average cost? What is the meaning of saying that the company wants to buy back something. Seek the opinions of those in the know.
Andy Shen84 : Cow shit
搞经济 抄底 加仓 : Toady closing date for Options. FED will run down to cover calls then bring it back up. Short are covering up some too~ wait
101572458 : Sell also pain hold also pain….
MengZai OP : I'm stuck at 107
LimPek 101572458 : yup, both also not right...sigh
71537194 101572458 : i know
102641852 : I bought a lot of $69,80 shares and lost a lot. Now all six gods have no hands. Should I stop loss or buy again, the average cost? What is the meaning of saying that the company wants to buy back something. Seek the opinions of those in the know.