In my opinion, it is better that they sell now, than to sell when the price is going up. At this price, retail are more inclined to bag these 69,005 stocks. If anyone sell on the way up, momentum may be affected too. Regardless, this 69,005 stocks is very small number compared to the float if you ask me. I personally do not see this being a concern judging from the situation, where uptrend seems stronger.
chris from queens
they are selling shares but have restricted shares that will become available to all AMC Insiders.... they know that this stock is probably the most shorted stock in the stock market, so the way they are looking at it is that they are releasing shares so retail goodbye them up and possibly go 95% to even 100% of the float and then add the billions of synthetics.. management is just playing by the rules and they don't want any problems. two of the people who sold their shares are leaving the company by the way but if you look you will see that they have incentives for hundreds of thousands of shares which I think they will pick up after the squeeze. who knows this company could be a couple hundred dollar company after the squeeze... these shorts are fukt!!!
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
BuddyAPE : gg man
saintsrsaf OP : Really don’t know what to do now. I’m holding 1000 shares with $33 cost price
我问天 : there are more ppl holding at much higher prices and in bigger lots of shares
saintsrsaf OP : But why these insiders keep selling? They don’t even believe the movement we’re in -__-
Diamond Hand HODL : Do not trust any news. Retails hold 90% of the shares
saintsrsaf OP : I will continue holding for now and see how. Too heavy loss to cut now.
Zerocool888 saintsrsaf OP : There are naked shorts which aren’t reported at all. HFs can buy and sell without the public knowing it all.
CherryPudding : In my opinion, it is better that they sell now, than to sell when the price is going up. At this price, retail are more inclined to bag these 69,005 stocks. If anyone sell on the way up, momentum may be affected too. Regardless, this 69,005 stocks is very small number compared to the float if you ask me. I personally do not see this being a concern judging from the situation, where uptrend seems stronger.
chris from queens saintsrsaf OP : they are selling shares but have restricted shares that will become available to all AMC Insiders.... they know that this stock is probably the most shorted stock in the stock market, so the way they are looking at it is that they are releasing shares so retail goodbye them up and possibly go 95% to even 100% of the float and then add the billions of synthetics.. management is just playing by the rules and they don't want any problems. two of the people who sold their shares are leaving the company by the way but if you look you will see that they have incentives for hundreds of thousands of shares which I think they will pick up after the squeeze. who knows this company could be a couple hundred dollar company after the squeeze... these shorts are fukt!!!
UNCLE ELON Diamond Hand HODL : this is not news it's an announcement bro .... you blind or something ? SEC filling hello....
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