Cat army
everything we saw today was manufactured to create liquidity... The market needs to drop but it couldn't because everyone was dug in (that's why the low volume) they had to raise the indices so people would sell and buy and create liquidity again so they can drop it... The clue was freezing oil and vix, no volatility and the markets have to go up, oil drops and suddenly everything is cheap again! but you cant stop the world forever
Cat army
I am worried tomorrow may melt up. Maybe as high as 340 qqq. There is a 50/50 chance powell tells the market exactly what it wants to hear and the market rips... it will then "crash" after that drawing all liquidity both ways, the fake rise trapped the put buyers today. the rip after a good day will wreck the puts and trap all the bulls who run to papa powell again... The drop will be blamed on something like "Kyiv under siege, or corona shuts down more cities"
Day Trader 881
Agree that this move will actually kill a lot of Put options expiry on friday…. But as per now, it seems like a classic double bottom recovery bull trap.
Cat army : Sir are you holding sqqq? I entered in sqqq calls today :(
iamiam OP Cat army : yes, when did you enter and what expiration?
Cat army iamiam OP : I entered today for 46 strike call expiring April 1
iamiam OP : what's wrong with that, red now but wait till it drops, we touched the top now it should come down
iamiam OP Cat army : everything we saw today was manufactured to create liquidity... The market needs to drop but it couldn't because everyone was dug in (that's why the low volume) they had to raise the indices so people would sell and buy and create liquidity again so they can drop it... The clue was freezing oil and vix, no volatility and the markets have to go up, oil drops and suddenly everything is cheap again! but you cant stop the world forever
Cat army iamiam OP : Thanks sir, just worried as the rise was huge today
iamiam OP Cat army : I am worried tomorrow may melt up. Maybe as high as 340 qqq. There is a 50/50 chance powell tells the market exactly what it wants to hear and the market rips... it will then "crash" after that drawing all liquidity both ways, the fake rise trapped the put buyers today. the rip after a good day will wreck the puts and trap all the bulls who run to papa powell again... The drop will be blamed on something like "Kyiv under siege, or corona shuts down more cities"
Cat army iamiam OP : 340 for sqqq tomorrow??
Day Trader 881 iamiam OP : Agree that this move will actually kill a lot of Put options expiry on friday….
But as per now, it seems like a classic double bottom recovery bull trap.
iamiam OP Cat army : that's not a prediction just a possibility
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