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NWO plan starts to come to fruition

Every year since 1947, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – founded by Albert Einstein and scientists from the Manhattan Project who helped develop the atomic weapons used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki – has set the Doomsday Clock. The clock use “the imagery of apocalypse (midnight) and the contemporary idiom of nuclear explosion (countdown to zero)” to indicate humanity’s vulnerability to man-made disasters. In January 2022, the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board set the clock for the third consecutive year at 100 seconds to midnight, marking the closest humanity has come to extinction in the last 75 years.
Barely a month after that gloomy prognosis, Russia launched a wide-ranging “special military operation” against Ukraine. Worse still, Russian President Vladimir Putin shortly afterward ordered Russia’s nuclear forces to be put on high alert, and threatened to use this arsenal should the West attempt to intervene militarily in Ukraine.
Given such incendiary rhetoric, the apparent erosion of collective mechanisms to manage conflict and global security risks, and the fact that nine countries possess a total of 13,100 nuclear weapons I t may now be necessary to reset the Doomsday Clock once again. This time, it should move forward to just one minute to midnight.
Thucydides, the Greek historian and philosopher, warned of how the dreadful collapse of humane values under the pressure of war could push humans to exalt “vengeance above innocence and profit above justice.” These are malicious values, and yet powers around the world are increasingly promoting them. In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, even relatively pacifist countries have started to rearm.
What happens next is vital because it’s future implications wont be realized until it’s too late. A ”heroic” new regime is going to rise to save the world from these fears. They will declare themselves protectors of the human race. And the cost to you is just to turn your trust over to them and you will never have to worry about nuclear war again. They will be known as the New World Order but their organization will be named something other than that, it will be a Federation of Nations for Peace, FNP.
Make no mistake, peace means obedience and sacrificing of freedoms. A disarming of the world will thus begin. A guilt will be put on the citizens of the world, a blame for all the violence and the only way to be forgiven will be to hand over any and all weapons as a sign of remorse and an acceptance of their power.
Resistance will be met with severe punishment and imprisonment or death. Dissidents will be portrayed supporters of evil and the Media will turn them into a group of conspiracy theorists and promoters of violence.
We can’t live in a world where peace was obtained by lies and the sacrificing of the innocent, justice for the victims will have to come  before these sins against humanity can be forgiven and true peace found.
I can’t name a single, not one person in government that I trust or believe that they put their citizens before themselves. So how do people expect there to be 24 to be in the FNP that will do this when making decisions for the worlds citizens?
Watch and see. This campaign of fear has had one purpose the entire time, a one world government controlled by the world banking system. There will be 2 classes people, the elites will be the government with all the freedoms,  and everyone else will be the lowly poor citizens with no freedoms.
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  • Revelation 6 : And that is the reality we face.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Revelation 6 : Sin begets Sin. Peace is found from following in the footsteps of God, not the footsteps of the devil.

  • Dons hobby : Sam I 1000% agree.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Revelation 6 : The reality is that it can easily be remedied but people believe it is difficult. All you have to do is start with the court system. Put it back to its original intention and societal purpose. It won’t be clogged with 1000s of cases and the jails and prisons would be near empty. The court system is supposed to be built on getting justice for victims not enriching the government. A crime hasn’t been committed unless there are victims and an accuser, the government isn’t a victim, it’s the enforcer of the punishment, the jury   decides if the accused is guilty. And if found guilty the guilty party is then taken before the victim or the victims family and they decide if the punishment is too be enforced and then forgiven or forgiven without any punishment. Thus the result is always forgiveness being found. This creates a foundation  where forgiveness is instilled in people which is the only pathway for a world of peace. Facts.

  • Revelation 6 Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : If the criminal pays a fine to the government it in no way gives justice to the victim, it only makes the government richer. In my opinion you can only break a law against another living thing and the government is not a living thing. I believe the courts were designed to resolve issues between two individuals. I also believe that the courts are not there to interpret legislation. Legislators do that. It just doesn’t ring true to me that a criminal can be punished, a victim can’t receive justice, but the government can make money off of it. smh.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Revelation 6 : All the government should receive is court costs. A fine is a government punishment for their enrichment where a victimization has been created by a system of profit. Restitution is to make the victim whole after a monetary loss. Greed and Justice cannot co-exist in the same system for it creates injustices.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Revelation 6 : The government tainted the court system when they turned it into a way to produce jobs. Building a place of punishment that supports people and their families monetarily means a system has been created where criminal acts are not only encouraged but needed because without them the society fails.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : The NWO is a master of deceit. They don’t create the organization of a New World order because that would feel forced and would be rejected. Instead they create the need and the want for it thru a nonstop barrage of fear, suffering, terror, and monetary losses forced upon you by MM and government making the only relief possible being a new world government to save you from your misery that they are the ones behind. Evil bastards.

  • Dons hobby Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : This is and always has been the JUST US system. Those that know the right people, ( Judges, Lawyers and clerks )
    Those that have the financial wherewithal
    And usually those that know the JUST US SYSTEM.
    Point in fact BIDEN just pick one.
    Any public official that has ever had legal issues.
    These people ARE NOT treated like the everyday person by NO stretch of the imagination.
    Forgiveness, Rehabilitation or anything other than MONEY AND POWER have always been the focus and until the IDEOLOGY changes and the mush heads running it are removed ( ALL OF THEM FROM JUDGES TO CLERKS )
    This will not change for the better because there is NO, NONE, NOTTA reason or incintive for the powers that be to let or make it change.

  • Dons hobby Revelation 6 : Please look at my post to Sam you just said the exact same thing I did lol. So if course I totally agree,  great minds and all that lol.

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