102553691 : Buffett is still good. I'll buy it when I get up tomorrow.
Markio1315 OP : He bought 16million shares, given his insights he must know oil price will be going crazy in mid-long term.
wayneyap11 102553691 : We have been trading sideways for several days, but we made a breakthrough today, but we didn't pull back so quickly.
102553691 wayneyap11 : Oh
Markio1315 OP : yes, fund house also will track Buffet and buy due to his status as Godfather of Wall Street.
102553691 Markio1315 OP : The market only opened for half an hour and reached 10 points.
102553691 : Nrgu is rising faster.
Talklili : By understanding Buffett‘s portfolio, I really learned a lot. Haha, he is really a magical figure.
102553691 : Buffett is still good. I'll buy it when I get up tomorrow.
Markio1315 OP : He bought 16million shares, given his insights he must know oil price will be going crazy in mid-long term.
wayneyap11 102553691 : We have been trading sideways for several days, but we made a breakthrough today, but we didn't pull back so quickly.
102553691 wayneyap11 : Oh
Markio1315 OP : yes, fund house also will track Buffet and buy due to his status as Godfather of Wall Street.
102553691 Markio1315 OP : The market only opened for half an hour and reached 10 points.
102553691 : Nrgu is rising faster.
Talklili : By understanding Buffett‘s portfolio, I really learned a lot. Haha, he is really a magical figure.