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Elon Musk's wildest predictions about the future, some of which have come true

Spi11 The Tea wrote a column · Mar 24, 2022 22:15
1. Tesla will be bigger than Apple
In a tweet last year, Musk predicted that $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ would be bigger than $Apple(AAPL.US)$.
While we haven't seen this come true, dream on, Elon.
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
2. Cryptocurrency is indestructible
Musk speculates that cryptocurrency is not going anywhere.
Last year at the 2021 Code Conference, Musk said "It's impossible to destroy crypto," but argued that governments could slow it down.

3. EVs will be the most popular cars

4. Summoning Teslas from across the country
According to The Verge, in 2016, Musk said, "I think that within two years, you'll be able to summon your car from across the country," adding that someone in Los Angeles could summon their Tesla from New York City.
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
5. We will be able to sleep while driving
Musk predicted that by 2019, self-driving cars would be reliable enough for people to sleep on the wheel.

When asked about the likelihood of taking a nap while arriving at your destination, Musk answered: “I think that's about two years. The real trick of it is not to say "How do you make it work 99.9 percent of the time?"

6. Electric planes will fly
"There are no plans right now to have an electric plane. We have a long way to go to handle terrestrial transport, and it's not inconceivable I would do an electric plane," he said at a TED conference.

Musk cautioned that more work needed to be done in the energy density of batteries for an electric plane to be feasible.

7. Brain chips to heal minds and store memories
Musk has made many claims about his Neuralink brain chip start-up, including that it could help paraplegics walk again, and "store" memories like photos. Many have been debunked by science.

8. We're living in a simulation

9. Space tourism will be normal

10. Musk moves to Mars
In 2018, Musk predicted that there was a 70% chance that he would move to Mars.

11. Humans colonize Mars by 2029

Source: Fortune, HBO, Twitter
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  • 感冒药 : Be optimistic about Tesla, Inc. by 3 times and Apple Inc by 2 times in half a year

  • 71518529 : That was a good read.. Love Tesla!! How are you liking Australia?

  • junclj1223 : Tesla, Inc. needs time to develop, and my country Malaysia has not been popularized yet. If you want to be the largest company in the world, unless you can bring your electric car to every country in the world. And set up a local factory to assemble CKD.

  • ByeByeFiat : TslaQ

  • Bobi2206 : Still some way to go to overtake apple

  • BAO BMW : I think nothing is impossible,  if he dare to dream ,he can make it and sell cheaper car pricing ..Apple  have not much innovative product  and all since look the same recent years ...

  • d scott aldrich : Elon Musk is a savant. Regardless of his imaginings about the future, whatever triggers his exceptional mind seems to turn into big money. Tesla is his baby as a self driving EV so I believe he will do everything to overtake Apple. for himself. If he goes the extra mile and wants to actually make an EV airplane, I think he'll certainly be bigger than apple. It's when he gets sidetracked with freak ideas that he'll be undone. Like making phones. For me, it's enough to sit back and enjoy the ride wether it's on the highways or into space (to Mars, one of Jupiter's moons, an asteroid maybe?). Total confidence in that genuinely self made human. Oh, don't count out AI, either - unless he tries to use himself as a test subject! 😱 🤯

  • 102568460 : Thanks for sharing and tabling the various quotes and points. Definitely good reminder of what Elon has said or predicted or even imagined on what will happen in the near future.
    Some points are certainly on their way with planning, time and various resources dedicated to making it happen. Some ideas are still far from realization, but might one day have more resources moved towards them. Only time and needs can tell.

  • moneyworkhard : Pride goes before man's downfall

  • 天津小丸子 : Our world is illusory. The Buddhist sutra has long said that all phases are illusory.

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