Rumor going around they are begging SEC to stop this and pay a 500 million fine. But im guessing if they do, it will break the market permanently or the SEC will have a MAJOR civil problem on their hands from lawsuits to riots, etc. The govt cannot bail this out either, its to big. Folk prob don’t remember when bush had to bail out the banks for 770 billion. This is prob 20 times bigger then that.
SEC can’t stop us as they have no idea how to do it. It’s all on HFs now. FEDs aren’t interested to bail them out at the moment. It has snowed ball so hard now, it’s already out of control. This is not just AMC only but GME too. And yes, we are in the trillion terrority now. Billions is the past. Hahahaha…..
27690878 : 69420k
Rowboyz : Im no accountant or finacial advicer, but i think the floor is one of the moons of mars at this point.
StonkHunter : There is no floor. there isn't enough money to cover up their mess.
Cardinal-BagHolder : Rumor going around they are begging SEC to stop this and pay a 500 million fine. But im guessing if they do, it will break the market permanently or the SEC will have a MAJOR civil problem on their hands from lawsuits to riots, etc. The govt cannot bail this out either, its to big. Folk prob don’t remember when bush had to bail out the banks for 770 billion. This is prob 20 times bigger then that.
Zerocool888 Cardinal-BagHolder : SEC can’t stop us as they have no idea how to do it. It’s all on HFs now. FEDs aren’t interested to bail them out at the moment. It has snowed ball so hard now, it’s already out of control. This is not just AMC only but GME too. And yes, we are in the trillion terrority now. Billions is the past. Hahahaha…..
Peanny OP StonkHunter : Always a floor; Always synthetics and Always History repeats itself.
Peanny OP StonkHunter : Always a floor; Always synthetics and Always History repeats itself.