hunted by bears : look for bailout from Fed, though they may not actually label it as a "bailout" because they know that's starting to piss people off. They may say something like "dire need of assistance" LOL
Ben 23 : Usually banks and finance will drop sharply due to fears of Recession. Whether it will eventually come true is another thing.
Ben 23 : I suggest you look at PB ratio and some other metrics too if you are trying to buy banks at fair value.
hunted by bears : look for bailout from Fed, though they may not actually label it as a "bailout" because they know that's starting to piss people off. They may say something like "dire need of assistance" LOL
Ben 23 : Usually banks and finance will drop sharply due to fears of Recession. Whether it will eventually come true is another thing.![undefined [undefined]](
Ben 23 : I suggest you look at PB ratio and some other metrics too if you are trying to buy banks at fair value.