不要装B : slowly going back to where it supposed to be..
Riding Star 不要装B : It suppose to be 0.21
不要装B Riding Star : it is supposed to be at S$2... it will take sometime.. maybe forever
Uncle Huart 不要装B : $2 was before the split stock..won't go back to $ 2 the most is 0.50 cent..
SKYbright Uncle Huart : if can move to $0.50, that is good enough.
不要装B : slowly going back to where it supposed to be..
Riding Star 不要装B : It suppose to be 0.21
不要装B Riding Star : it is supposed to be at S$2... it will take sometime.. maybe forever

Uncle Huart 不要装B : $2 was before the split stock..won't go back to $ 2 the most is 0.50 cent..
SKYbright Uncle Huart : if can move to $0.50, that is good enough.