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How to clear 50 shares?

$胜科海事(S51.SG)$ Have left with 50 since last time conversion, which is less than minimum 100. how to close the position?
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  • Stock Watch : Moo not allow.  .
    Only Official SG brokerage hse can see odd lots units

  • Stock Watch : Keep it till the day when SMM above 0.2

  • 102892353 OP Stock Watch : Oh my, Then the 50 shares will be forever stuck here 😂😂😂

  • Stock Watch 102892353 OP : Wait for t the day Moo become CDP full membership

  • ZacK克ming2004 102892353 OP : write in to moomoo they will advise u how to go about disposing off odd number shares

  • Stock Watch ZacK克ming2004 : Need to transfer out? or Moo have odd lots market?

  • tiaaaammmo Stock Watch : For SG stocks, moomoo support transfers of fractional shares (odd lots). Please follow the instructions and enter the number of shares to be transferred.

    Please note that fractional shares (odd lots) are currently not supported for SG stocks.


    1. Stocks can be transferred between brokers only under the same account name.

    2. Transfer fee: We do not charge any fee regarding your account transfers into FUTU SG, but the outside broker may charge you a transfer fee to transfer your stocks. For HK stocks, moomoo support transfers of fractional shares (odd lots). Please follow the instructions and enter the number of shares to be transferred.

    for hk stocks, they support transfers of fractional shares (odd lots). Please follow the instructions and enter the number of shares to be transferred.

    1. Stocks can be transferred between brokers only under the same account name.

    2. Transfer fee: We do not charge any fee regarding your account transfers into FUTU SG, but the outside broker may charge you a transfer fee to transfer your stocks.  if u still cannot figureout,u can contact moomoo customer service for more details.
    Online service: APP>Me>Online Inquiry , They can help you assist it.

  • Stock Watch tiaaaammmo : Thanks for sharing this.
    Do check the fees ( if have)  b4 transfer. May not worth it.

  • Dadacai : You can ask moomoo to sell for you. Send an email to stating your moomoo ID, stock code, quantity and the price you want to sell at.

  • AK4321 : buy 150 to make it 200 then sell la

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