good deals only : Moass
ducklol : it doesnt matter to you because you have no money in play
Discipline Trader : relax.
Dirtman : Price action change too fast, triggering circuit breaker
RRRRREV : drop too quickly in a short period of time
several-Ad3818 : It means to much volatility in a short period of time. Personal advice, don’t trade without knowing at least the basics or you will get seriously burnt.
Hye this fatima herw OP : I bought at 26 shud k sell it or still hold?
Hye this fatima herw OP several-Ad3818 : I bought it at 26 , shud i sell it or still hold?
good deals only : Moass
ducklol : it doesnt matter to you because you have no money in play
Discipline Trader : relax.
Dirtman : Price action change too fast, triggering circuit breaker
RRRRREV : drop too quickly in a short period of time
several-Ad3818 : It means to much volatility in a short period of time. Personal advice, don’t trade without knowing at least the basics or you will get seriously burnt.
Hye this fatima herw OP : I bought at 26 shud k sell it or still hold?
Hye this fatima herw OP several-Ad3818 : I bought it at 26 , shud i sell it or still hold?