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Trades Review - Did you seize the rocketing moment of March?
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Bargain Shopping

I haven't been an investor in decades, but decided to jump in since the crypto movement geared up. I see the potential for the Metaverse and Web3, so I've been focusing in stocks that will make that possible.

Because financially, I am just now able to invest, I am looking for bargains and have compiled my watchlist around what I research that has potential. Then I wait for those stocks to decline by 10%+ and look into why that happened. If it isn't a reason that affects the longer term viability of the stock, that is when I buy.

So far, so good. We'll see. But buying the dip allows me to feel like I didn't get sucked into FOMO buying. I am buying to hold, so bearish markets are to be expected, to me they're an opportunity.
I love that MooMoo allows me to track most of the crypto I own on the ticker, right next to stock (even if crypto can't be bought on this exchange - wish they would add SAND though). It allows me to track how the crypto markets and stock markets are running at the same time.
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  • MoneydayCraig : Please if you could pass on any knowledge on crypto and crypto trading that would be awesome

  • MoneydayCraig : Thank you

  • Gogogerter : Good luck

  • mystic69 : i use gemini for crypto trading/investing. its been okay app to use.

  • 777 Jun 777 MoneydayCraig : 😃

  • Shortcake117 OP mystic69 : I use a bunch of different apps that I check in with periodically. The main ones I use are MooMoo for stocks and Coinbase for crypto. I also usually look for the Motley Fool for tips of stocks to watch in the sectors I'm interested in. But I read a lot of their stuff decades ago, so I'm familiar with the philosophy. For tech and disruptive systems I always feel good when I hear Cathie Wood has just bought into a stock I'm bullish on.

    As far as other apps, a couple, like Gemini, I loaded because I couldn't find a stock I wanted on other exchanges - SANDBOX I had to go through Gemini to buy. Also I fell for the intro deals for free stock, so I have a few apps I loaded just for that and realised that the apps themselves weren't that informative. I like to be able to learn on the apps too.

  • mystic69 : Good morning from Singapore. for stocks, i use FSMOne and MooMoo (just recent). initially i tried to do more crypto but after listening to many Warren B videos, i felt most interested with stocks and analysing businesses and try to pick a few that i think would give best or reasonable dividends and price growth. For stocks with high prices which i cant afford, i go with ETFs and particularly my timing to buy into XLE was just nice.

  • Shortcake117 OP : Mystic 69, I will have to check out FSMOne, I haven't been there yet, but thanks for the tip.

    Agreed, crypto can be a little scary, but I do think it's here for the long haul. With all the cryptocurrancy funds that were involved with Russia and Ukraine, it has shined a spotlight on how crypto can undermine political directives. So I think there will be a huge push to regulate it. Right now crypto is the Wild West and that's not a bad thing for investors at our level.

    Respectfully, I think Buffet may be showing his age on this one. The Metaverse is where we are headed. I'm in my 50s, but I have a teenage son and can see that video games and VR is where the next generation will be developing careers and spending their disposable income. I want to understand it and make a profit on it.

    It's just one sector of my portfolio, but it's an important one. If a company has all the right stuff to buy it's stock, it doesn't matter to me that that stock is crypto instead of fiat currancy - it's still a good buy.

  • Shortcake117 OP : If you change your mind and decide to stick your toe in the "crypto pond" there are a lot of great vehicles that are super affordable. Cardano is a poor man's Etherium at about $1.10 a share. The Metaverse is developing and there will be "lands" to visit there for Meta (FB), SANDBOX, ROBLOX, Decentraland & others. I can't help but feel that people will want to try these worlds out. SAND and MANA (Decentraland's coin), go for $2-3 a coin/share. That's not a huge investment to buy 50 shares and see. There are also great stocks that are going to surge b/c their products will serve the Metaverse - semiconductors, 3D technology, AutoCAD, video production, smart contracts, casinos, eSports. These are all tech stocks that are worth watching, IMHO. So being involved in investing in the Metaverse isn't just limited to crypto. The portfolio I'm building includes: Matterport, Meta, SANDBOX, Quantim S, NVIDIA, SNAP, GoPro, some eSports stocks, etc. If you are interested in the sector, read up on the Metaverse. I don't think it will be wasted research.

  • Shortcake117 OP : Finally, I love your EFT idea and use it myself. I invest weekly in the Nasdaq, QQQ and ARK Fintech.

    I don't have some secret formula. I'm learning just like everyone else. I'm hoping to catch the next FAANG stocks, whether they be crypto or conventional stock. Either way, I'm just betting on what feels like a sure thing. Commodities scare me, I have no real sense of where energy is going - wind, solar, electric, oil...conflicts, shifts in production, etc. Aside from electric cars and batteries for them, I have no idea what will be keeping us warm or cool in a decade. But I'm pretty sure we'll be looking for entertainment we don't have to be in crowds to enjoy. So, the Metaverse makes sense to me. Just my take. Investigate and lmk what you think.

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