102988782 : Yesterday was a good price to enter
Milamber : Still good to enter, just that less upside. Dividend exercise coming up should make up any lower potential capital gain. Go go go
102911863 Milamber : but after dividend payment will there be a dip in price ?
Milamber 102911863 : Yes, but it will go up (most likely). Today price is very friendly to get in
婧婧婧婧婧 Milamber : Is it too high to enter now?
Milamber 婧婧婧婧婧 : I would buy some…. it is literally almost the same price from a couple days ago and down from higher point.
102988782 : Yesterday was a good price to enter
Milamber : Still good to enter, just that less upside. Dividend exercise coming up should make up any lower potential capital gain. Go go go
102911863 Milamber : but after dividend payment will there be a dip in price ?
Milamber 102911863 : Yes, but it will go up (most likely). Today price is very friendly to get in
婧婧婧婧婧 Milamber : Is it too high to enter now?
Milamber 婧婧婧婧婧 : I would buy some…. it is literally almost the same price from a couple days ago and down from higher point.