hi cat,i found this ,hope it can help u figure out,The ETF currently only supports cash subscriptions and Futu financing subscriptions. Details of Futu financing interest calculation rules can be found at:
tiaaaammmo : hi cat,i found this ,hope it can help u figure out,The ETF currently only supports cash subscriptions and Futu financing subscriptions. Details of Futu financing interest calculation rules can be found at:
tiaaaammmo : APP>Me>Online Inquiry , They can help you assist it.
my lovely cat OP tiaaaammmo : Thank you for the answer!
lukluk1212 my lovely cat OP : So will money be deducted from holding this stock for a long time?
my lovely cat OP lukluk1212 : Management fees will be charged.
lukluk1212 my lovely cat OP : How sour is the management fee?
勿介 my lovely cat OP : Is the management fee calculated by year or month?
my lovely cat OP 勿介 : 4.8% yearly fee
勿介 my lovely cat OP : Is 4.8% of the total amount traded on a yearly basis or is it held?
my lovely cat OP 勿介 : I'm not sure about this. This thing doesn't last long. This is the experience of many people
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