70229345 : Sell, too much pressure, will be adjusted back for a few days
Dirtman : If you not sure, means you have not done your DD. Better to sell in that case
GOOBERHAG : Did you buy because the short squeeze? Because there has not been a squeeze yet..
jimmy awesome : if you really have to ask such a dumb question at this point then go ahead and sell and leave us alone.
LeroyFerguson : I have to hold or I will lose shares
70229345 : Sell, too much pressure, will be adjusted back for a few days
Dirtman : If you not sure, means you have not done your DD. Better to sell in that case
GOOBERHAG : Did you buy because the short squeeze? Because there has not been a squeeze yet..
jimmy awesome : if you really have to ask such a dumb question at this point then go ahead and sell and leave us alone.
LeroyFerguson : I have to hold or I will lose shares