As an investor, we know that fundamental and technical analysis are important.
However, both fundamentals and technical analysis are considered lagging as we rely a lot on the history or past data to anticipate the future stock movement.
In fact, there are a group of macro traders or investors who are using macro economy indicators to anticipate the future price movement, and the macro indicators are considered a lot leading compared to fundamental and technical analysis for a longer investment term.
However, there are many macroeconomy indicators, but very complicated and difficult to understand. Most of us are not studying economy!
But, my experience and past history told me that in fact, we only need to understand a few of them and is enough for us to allocate our portfolio for investing.
These are the three which I think they are the most important:
1. Yield curve - to anticipate a recession for the upcoming 6 months to 2 years
2. interest rate - to anticipate a market movement for the coming 2-3 years (depends on fed monetary policy)
3. Unemployment rate - to anticipate a market reversal in both bull and bear markets
Are you interested to know about above three topics? If there are many moomoo-ers are interested on them, then I will prepare the particular video and post it here (probably the one with more than 10 votes).
March is ending soon and hopefully April will be the huat month to everyone 😆
48685 : yes
itaii osorio : can you please just make a video about all 3 topics?
JM investor OP itaii osorio : sure. I think i get 10 votes so will prepare them
Rosii : ggg