Don’t. The stock grows at it’s peak just BEFORE the split, then picks the value of the split, makes all the necessary corrections and consolidations, then it starts running up due to the smaller individual price. Analyze what happened in 2020 BEFORE acting.
PrimeApe : Sell now to rebuy after the stock split
101524252 PrimeApe : What is stock split ?
GM 1 101524252 : U advocating sell n u asking what’s a split ?
TeslaSmurf PrimeApe : Don’t. The stock grows at it’s peak just BEFORE the split, then picks the value of the split, makes all the necessary corrections and consolidations, then it starts running up due to the smaller individual price. Analyze what happened in 2020 BEFORE acting.
TeslaSmurf : If you sell before the split you won’t get the added FREE stocks.