hi My fellow moomoomer if sometime you are lost with those shortcut name that invested gave us here as some I have learned : FOMO: Fear of Missing outthis is called kiasu for singapore people 🇸🇬 Diamond Hands: 💎 keeping a stock no mater what it will go up think nice long read FUD: Fake useless data 📔📂 no joking it means Fear uncertainty and doubt” thanks to@Dylinhfor teaching me that one YOLO: You only live once BULL: 🐂🐃 people with enthusiasm which think the market will be green and think positive BEAR: 🧸 pessimist people whom think the market will always crash and sell their position ATL :All time Low ⬇️⬇️Best time to buy ;) ALH : All time high ⬆️⬆️Best time to keep or sell depending if you are a LTI ;) LTI : long term investor SCALPING : that is a crap I try to do but you will need some practice it’s actually trying to buy Low sell high then buy lower than you previous sell high to reduce your price position ;) and more importantly thanks to all my fellow follower @72MonkeySurvival@NANA123@Yogiyogi@Zerines@moomoo Breakfast@moomoo TA Cici@Jack Robinson@Dylinh@CN Moo
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
SebTheTraderOuf OP : 200 View ? Really guys you can do better ;)
Ben 23 : If you only buy when it is green you will be buying at the high. Anyway the stocks that you mention are red as they are severely overbought.![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
Aurelian : I want to buy puts.