$GameStop (GME.US)$ 's Board of Directors wants to dilute shares....
Share dilution incoming - just like what AMC tried to pull last year but the Ape Army rejected it....
RC's recent Tweet and the proposed stock split is just to artificially prop-up the stock price ahead of the share dilution. RC wants the Ape Army to fund GME's incentive plan - rather than use the capital to grow the business. He is robbing you to line his pockets....
Talklili : They’re going to issue an additional $8 million shares plus all the shares that would have been cancelled under the previous 2019 plan. It’s a capital raise not a dividend. Companies use dividends to pay dividends not stock…. Read between the lines, boy genius….
DCFDTL : are you an idiot? A STOCK SPLIT via dividend is NOT the same as share dilution
DCFDTL : talk about being misinformed and FUD
71262950 : not even close my man. please short it
VanillaThunder : This guy can't be serious
John 3 16 : GME squeeze is inevitable thank to the dividend. Really sorry hedgie!
noopz OP Talklili : you're right
noopz OP John 3 16 :
noopz OP DCFDTL : you're right.
noopz OP DCFDTL :
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