Cool eagle
fyi. just note that the small qty (in hundreds) you saw were not indiviudal sellers. It was actually breakdown of 1 seller with huge volume.
J huat
Still can’t find it… Can you please take a screenshot and circle? I see live bid and ask but not historical lot sold like the above.
Question: I read the explanation but didn’t quite get it. If the ticker is Green/Red, Arrow up and down what does it mean? Which one sell or buy and what’s the colour indicate?
Milamber : How do you see the sales and volume like in screenshot?
J huat OP : Click the transaction price right beside the chart will show
Cool eagle Milamber : fyi. just note that the small qty (in hundreds) you saw were not indiviudal sellers. It was actually breakdown of 1 seller with huge volume.
Milamber J huat OP : Still can’t find it… Can you please take a screenshot and circle? I see live bid and ask but not historical lot sold like the above.
J huat OP Milamber :
Milamber : Thank you
J huat OP Milamber : Found it?
Milamber : Question: I read the explanation but didn’t quite get it. If the ticker is Green/Red, Arrow up and down what does it mean? Which one sell or buy and what’s the colour indicate?