Poop Turtle
Cannot pluck reason for every price up and down.. rather chase profit then finding out the reason.. some of the day got no reason for the drop or up. Like Elon musk sudden buy twitter up 20-30%. If no ann or news how u justify the up or the down. Depend on the trading volume also
Poop Turtle : Some one want to pay $10 for it lor that the reason
WaterMoon0715 Poop Turtle : hahahahha
IZTan : collaborating with uk
Poop Turtle IZTan : Cannot pluck reason for every price up and down.. rather chase profit then finding out the reason.. some of the day got no reason for the drop or up. Like Elon musk sudden buy twitter up 20-30%. If no ann or news how u justify the up or the down. Depend on the trading volume also