I support ESG. Carbon emissions have a bad impact on the Earth. The dangers of carbon emissions produce a global warming effect on the earth's climate. As a result, the earth is getting hotter! Emissions of carbon and other gases, if they continue to increase, will increase the risk of conflict, famine, flooding, economic disruption, and mass migration.
Tips for a low carbon emission lifestyle that we can apply in our daily lives.
1. Walk, bike or use public transportation.
The use of fuel for motorized vehicles certainly produces carbon emissions. How much carbon emissions would be produced if everyone used a private car? Walking and cycling certainly do not produce carbon emissions. While using public transportation, will reduce carbon emissions.
2. Drink water from your own tumbler.
Bottled drinking water is produced through a long process and usually the raw materials for drinking water are taken from distant sources, thereby increasing the carbon emissions produced through transportation. In addition, bottled drinking water also adds to the pollution of waste in the world.
3. Turn off lights and unplug all electricity when not in use.
Electronic devices that are not in use will still consume electricity if the electricity is still connected. Electricity consumption produces carbon emissions because currently electricity is mostly generated from fossil fuels, such as coal and diesel.
By reducing carbon emissions, the earth becomes more sustainable, the body is healthier, and also keeps us away from consumptive attitudes.
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