Using credit cards to buy essentials has become somewhat commonplace. But even if an ever-increasing number of consumers are willing to pay double-digit interest rates on gasoline, groceries, and a host of other items that are gone long before the bill is paid in full, it's not wise financial advice to do so. Credit card interest rates make the price of the charged items a great deal more expensive. In some cases, using credit can also mean you'll spend more than you earn. $Amazon (AMZN.US)$$Alphabet-C (GOOG.US)$$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$$Tesla (TSLA.US)$
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this is why they are all adopting things like after pay. things are getting more expensive and people are still buying. companies getting ready for people to not have enough money to make ends meet
Violets : this is why they are all adopting things like after pay. things are getting more expensive and people are still buying. companies getting ready for people to not have enough money to make ends meet
BeckyBoo OP Violets :![undefined [undefined]](