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MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend

MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
People always say: choose a path and stick to it. 

But is there a positive correlation between persistence and returns? 

No matter what you are trying to achieve, stick to it till the end. It's the only way to find out whether the choice is right or wrong.
For those who possess dogged perseverance, let's see how they're doing.

@Charstey : $Mullen Automotive(MULN.US)$ y'all got to remember bears are still posting even if you block them and they can easily get people to change their minds. so you have to keep up the DD post please
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
@Carry only : Buying more and hodl LFG $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
@Carla Lee : A 3 percent drop after 100 percent bull market... Time to sell!!! $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ $Apple(AAPL.US)$ $SPDR S&P 500 ETF(SPY.US)$
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
@JulianMackie : dont let the quiet activity and bears lower your sentiment... cohen is brewing something masterful behind the scenes.. or sell $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ $GameStop(GME.US)$
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
@MindOverMatter : $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ I love you your my true love
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
letsss gooo I ain't scared $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
@Jayishere : $Hycroft Mining(HYMC.US)$ Never held $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ but definitely know the feeling.
MooHumor: Just hang in there, my friend
This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below to tell us about: Is "persistence" a good thing in the stock market?

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I guess that's all for this week.
Make sure you give your best shot and leave no regrets.

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  • Milk The Cow : It depends as whether a company does good is usually due to the economy.
    If there's a change to the economy we should act according.
    But do note that the stock market volatility is not = economy.
    The stock market reaction may be lagging behind the economy performance, that's just my guess for now [undefined]

  • Syuee : Stock market is like a man dating a woman with multiple personality syndrome. [undefined]

    One day she is happy and merry and another day she will cut you to pieces for no reason… [undefined]

    Similarly, stock market has its own moods …

    If you do NOT possess patience, tenacity, perseverance and the ability to anticipate the various moods and volatility, how will you even survive long~ in the stock market… ?? [undefined][undefined]

  • steady Pom pipi : When I buy a stock and lose money, I will never sell at a loss. I will hold on until there is a profit in selling the stock.
    Success belongs to the persevering.[undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • HopeAlways : While investing in the stock market, to achieve a goal, one must work consistently and show persistence towards achieving it no matter what hurdles one face.

  • Syuee HopeAlways : Employing this kind of persistence and consistency vibes can surely make all the difference in sticking with one’s investing/trading rules and plans.  [undefined]

  • HuatLady Syuee : As investors, we all go through a vicious cycle of winning and losing. Therefore, as savy investors we have to be disciplined, have self-belief and are committed to survive any sudden market's upheavals.

  • HuatEver Syuee : As astute investors, we should be smart enough to create a plan in order to achieve our goal of sound wealth management.  We must be tenacious and committed enough to work the plan, adjusting it to fit the changing stock market.

  • HuatEver HopeAlways : Facing hurdle is one of the greatest challenge in stock investments and no one can avoid this “eye opening”experience, be he a novice or an experienced investor.

  • KT88 Syuee : [undefined] Your funny analogy just amazes me!!! [undefined]

  • KT88 Syuee : Champions keep trying until they get it right. Success in investing is all about persistence and doing the right thing for the long term. [undefined][undefined]

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