102434970 : Hold no choice
MAXDDS : Is there nothing left when it becomes 0. Can I get some back if I sell it now? What should I do when I first run into a stock like this. Heavy losses
开开心心赚钱 OP MAXDDS : Me too
吟诗一首 MAXDDS : Me too, 5000 is gone
MAXDDS 吟诗一首 : So do you want to sell the rest? I lost 3W and sold it and still have 1,500 left and I don't know what to do about bad stocks
ZhangJinchi : There is a problem in the stock market, even if you pay money, do not buy stocks, lie to me
102434970 : Hold no choice
MAXDDS : Is there nothing left when it becomes 0. Can I get some back if I sell it now? What should I do when I first run into a stock like this. Heavy losses
开开心心赚钱 OP MAXDDS : Me too
吟诗一首 MAXDDS : Me too, 5000 is gone
MAXDDS 吟诗一首 : So do you want to sell the rest? I lost 3W and sold it and still have 1,500 left and I don't know what to do about bad stocks
ZhangJinchi : There is a problem in the stock market, even if you pay money, do not buy stocks, lie to me