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What's your view on choosing stock trading as a full-time career?
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Active and yet a Rigorous trader

There are 3 main traits to avoid that is the reason I have walking away as full time trader,
1. Addiction
2. Emotional imbalance
3. Consiousness
The excitement in trade process, fast trade money, chase for greater dream and more dreams become an addiction that reality might lead to uncontrollable finances and destroying a career whether work life or in business. Further, emotional impacts through moody at loss and gain from the trades, the joy rely to numbers instead of reality society that might hurtful to real world whether of finances, health, social and responsibilities. Thereof, the addiction coupled with emotional imbalance that likely incurred mentality and psychology imbalance resulting consiousness to care, pay attention or be part of social and/or relationships challenged. A top 2% in moomoo accomplished active trader by transactions who will never fail on family, career and stability before trading. Although trades contributed significant extra income that financed materialistic lifestyle but it is a category from the extra financial that has been allocated including retirement, future education and future capital expenditure funds. Did well, stay stable and growth the wealth by the healthy hobby which addressed as stock market trader on fun, leisure and the people in community matters not just about money.
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  • LuckyPiggie : you mean mood swing [undefined][undefined][undefined] PMS can be a bad catalyst [undefined]

  • divinepapa OP LuckyPiggie : Well said and yet tough to admit[undefined][undefined][undefined]I can not deny PMS is catalyst when critical decision needed. [undefined][undefined][undefined]

    Nonetheless, did experiencing sequential mistakes one after another on a split second through trades whether buying or selling with-out prior due diligence, consiousness sense or no thinking in absent of second thoughts other than  emotionally driven in rage. That is scary as well disastrous [undefined][undefined][undefined]. Did you have this experience in your trading journey ?

  • Divinemama : Who get more [undefined]ok. uploaded now … beat you harder [undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • divinepapa OP Divinemama : OMG! Let me read yours.. .. [undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • LuckyPiggie divinepapa OP : yes of course . E.g. i keep asking myself why I so stupid to buy that stock etc [undefined][undefined][undefined]  , why I didnt exit earlier etc.....

    Many times I see the Red becomes Redder ... wanted to just sell it off. Whilst I am quite sure the companies are in healthy states, the share prices moved south following market sentiment. This always drain my brain juice, do I sell, wait out or ave down. Very tiring.

    I have 3 recommendations (not applicable for meme/fan stocks) [undefined][undefined][undefined] . Just for sharing my experiences as a newbie.

    1. Cool down . Drink a cold coke [undefined]. Smoke a Cigar [undefined]. Be a boss, think like a boss.

    2. Look at the past price movement. Is the swing bigger than usual or cyclical. Look at the whole industry as well.

    3. look at the reasons of the swing. Long or short term effect. External or Internal cause.
    Set a reasonable timeline for the stock to recover.

    Have Logical reasons for the above. Not based on "Hope".
    I made a lot of mistakes some repeatedly [undefined]
    So I pay a fine for it. When there is pain, then we learn. No Pain No Gain. No doubt,  been a painful 2 weeks. so now I can only eat plain bread+sky juice. [undefined] No money for Greek cuisines.

  • Divinemama divinepapa OP : Yours uploaded early, not fair game [undefined]

  • divinepapa OP Divinemama : Reaching content and methods leh[undefined]

  • Divinemama divinepapa OP : Next round, me first before you.

  • divinepapa OP Divinemama : Gosh... New rules [undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • divinepapa OP LuckyPiggie : A hard experience but so true. Respect embedded strong wills with positive mentality, mind-set that do not quit. Inpiration thoughts where never say yes on tough attitude,  get though moving [undefined][undefined][undefined]

    Wa lao ehh... The greek thing [undefined].

    Well said and i learn from you [undefined][undefined][undefined]

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