Those who went to the meeting did not rely on the moving average, indicating that the trend is very strong and will rise after trading, and the company is about to go tofdaApply for emergency authorization, if approved, the stock price may go up.40-50Yuan
KingNY-Life : Those who went to the meeting did not rely on the moving average, indicating that the trend is very strong and will rise after trading, and the company is about to go tofdaApply for emergency authorization, if approved, the stock price may go up.40-50Yuan
Ah_____ : maybe it will take some time for more milestones to be clocked with their research?
逆风翻盘 OP Ah_____ : The price I bought is too high for fear of being set up.
hahahaaaaa 逆风翻盘 OP : Me, too.
102614213 逆风翻盘 OP : Me, too. I ran away at 13.