mBh : Pump and dump
mBh : Zip trader hype
Apeconomics mBh : Lol deluded shill, go back to shorting hows the deep red going>?
70924419 : read my comments and u will see y it's going down
Keithmerel21 70924419 : Your comments are wrong though, and you write “sale it” when it’s “sell”. This stock was manipulated down to $2 by naked shorts. It will be in the $12-$15 range when all said and done.
mBh Apeconomics : I'm not shorting
mBh : Pump and dump
mBh : Zip trader hype
Apeconomics mBh : Lol deluded shill, go back to shorting hows the deep red going>?
70924419 : read my comments and u will see y it's going down
Keithmerel21 70924419 : Your comments are wrong though, and you write “sale it” when it’s “sell”. This stock was manipulated down to $2 by naked shorts. It will be in the $12-$15 range when all said and done.
mBh Apeconomics : I'm not shorting