Instead, investing in funds and companies that are positioning themselves for this transition focusing on specific themes such as renewable energy, biofuels, green hydrogen, innovative technologies such as EV and carbon capture.
We can understand the influence of climate change, as well as the emerging opportunities to help create a lower carbon economy.
HopeAlways : Like with most things that appear challenging, a great way to start is to take small, basic steps towards one's idea of success. Over time, the componded power of taking many small positive steps can translate into major change, and, hopefully, major wealth. With enough discipline and patience, it is definitely possible to achieve one's financial goals.
Revelation 6 : I so agree with everything that you wrote and the way you wrote it was so agreeable. Thank you for taking the time and sharing it with us.
HuatEver : Success is aphrodisiac and you do possess the magic ingredients for SUCCESS because you are
You have a loving nature that values bonding and meaningful relationships/love.
Double Rainbow : You are a marvel . This is such an astonishing article. You just revived my faith in humanity while seeking monetary success.
Double Rainbow : So grateful to have a gem like you to share inspirational posts with us. You are like a laser beam in the night. So bright. So right!! Much RESPECT!
Double Rainbow : Words breed inspiration. Inspirational breeds hope. Hope breeds action. Wishing your Easter full of the sweetest things in life and huge success in your investment goals. Yes, let us save the planet and do our part.
HuatLady : The choices we make today will affect the future we live in. You are sensible to realise the existing natural resources of Mother Earth is fast depleting and carbon footprints are increasing. Therefore your suggestion of focusing on ESG investments is a wise and sustainable move. It is a small but effective way to concentate on eco-consumerisn such as investing on companies that deal with renewable energy and EVs and carbon capture. In conclusion, as consumers we can do our part by being aware of and making it our responsibility to care and at the same gain wealth.
HarDWireD : stay true to your friends
though the heavens fall
or abandon all hope forevermore
Milk The Cow : Yup, agreed .
Time is money .
Milk The Cow Milk The Cow : My value of money asset drop if I did not spend my time efficiently .
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