CasualInvestor : Not worth the risk IMO. To earn a few bucks with the potential to lose more if it drops back to $35
Win more Lost less : plz buy more so that u can sell to EM!!
JDMu CasualInvestor : Well said
Meow Meow Meow 168 CasualInvestor : same thought lol
Milk The Cow CasualInvestor : me too
CasualInvestor Meow Meow Meow 168 : I’ll sit back and clap for all the brave souls that jumps in now.
maxlim : I do not think he will buy. But if yes, big rewards to the brave souls.
103023326 OP : Well, I can only say good luck for brave shorters...
CasualInvestor : Not worth the risk IMO. To earn a few bucks with the potential to lose more if it drops back to $35
Win more Lost less : plz buy more so that u can sell to EM!!
JDMu CasualInvestor : Well said
Meow Meow Meow 168 CasualInvestor : same thought lol
Milk The Cow CasualInvestor : me too
CasualInvestor Meow Meow Meow 168 : I’ll sit back and clap for all the brave souls that jumps in now.
maxlim : I do not think he will buy. But if yes, big rewards to the brave souls.
103023326 OP : Well, I can only say good luck for brave shorters...