Points Giveaways
Post your P/L order and trading reviews by taping the discussion:
Why do I always buy high and sell low?Have you ever encountered the following situations?The market was booming, but it fell as soon as I jumped in.
The stock price was heading south. It recovered as soon as I sold it.
Is there someone watching me and manipulating the market?
Short-term traders are more easily affected by emotions and thus blindly chase the market.
Buy High: Admiring others – Hesitatant – Recklessly jumping in
Sell Low: Increasing positions – Doubting – Selling it anyway
Reflecting on your trades may help you out. For example, you can review the day's rise/fall tickers. Then, check whether your positions are related to these tickers and grasp the general direction.
Have you been writing trading reviews on a daily basis? What are the key points of writing such reviews?
Can I share my P/L orders on moomoo?
Off course. Just follow 3 simple steps.
Cool traderrr :
steady Pom pipi : I feel uncomfortable after not operating it for a day
NANA123 steady Pom pipi : All in
Dogoro777 : Trading review is important.
Tammyy : I rarely do trading review, why should I do it?
Mario Timberlake Cool traderrr : A little loss
steady Pom pipi NANA123 :
Mario Timberlake Tammyy : One of the key ways to continually improve and iterate on our trading is to review our past trades and trading performance as a whole. Because you won’t notice the mistakes in the moment. And you can’t take a big picture view when you’re focusing on the micro aspects of each trade.
Trading isn’t the time to reflect on your trade setups or to consider changing your stop losses and profit targets. It’s the post-trade analysis, when you’re not in performance-mode, and when your view isn’t colored by the emotions of the trade.
Tammyy Mario Timberlake : Thx so much
NJUNWEI : Because I don't care so much about myself, this kind of person's behavior is coming these days! What you're talking about is not that important. People who are too good are always different. They are their own people. You said when I could see you yourself like a joke, such a person.
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